Using Multiple floors in Revit

Here's a sample wall section. It's showing nothing but model elements, as you'd find in any section cut around the model.
  • There are 3 walls above the footing.
    • You can have duplicate type marks in walls so that if you tag the brick ledge segment instead of the upper segment, it will still display a consistent wall type.
    • use Join Geometry to remove the lines between the 3 wall segments, or create a stacked wall of the three types.
    • Don't include footings in stacked walls, they add too much complexity to wall joins. Instead create footings with the structural footing tool.
  • The perimeter insulation is a wall sweep that's included in the current template. you could also make it part of the concrete footing wall.
  • The isolation joint is a slab edge sweep that's included in the current template.
  • There are 2 floors - the concrete slab, for the whole building, and finish floors per room.
    • the architectural, concrete slab is a single continuous floor. You can use multiple floors to produce floor joints where they need to be shown.
    • The finish floor should be placed with an actual thickness, and an offset above the floor level equal to it's thickness. (VCT that is 1/8" thick should have a level offset of 1/8".) Drawing the finish floor around walls as its actually installed will make scheduled areas more accurate. Using real thicknesses will help with ADA and finish-alignment coordination as well.
  • the Pad is compacted fill, and is included in the template. Use this to place it under the floor, to show compacted fill in sections, and cut away any topography that may otherwise spill into the building (cuts a hole in the ground for a basement).

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